My apartment is filled with fresh air seeping in through the crack of screen. First fresh air of the season. I went for a run again today and forgot how awesome it felt to move again, to wear tights and a wool vest and just run, water bottle sloshing against my back. Running faster than rush hour feels almost as good as ripping in between those molasses paced lanes on a bicycle.
Today was a wonderful day at work. We were a team of women again, which was a nice change and we were all coincidentally hungry for comfort food so I whipped up a few rounds of quesadillas for all who wanted it with fresh cilantro and generous cheddar and freshly roasted ground cumin and homemade salsa. Delicious. We ate and dipped into fresh creamy basil tomato. Cooking with fresh basil and dill in the wintertime! Such a precious gift. Everytime my fresh herbs are delivered to my place on the butcher block, I always take a minute to unzip the zippy packages of herbs and inhale with all my might. Fresh dill equals summer time at my Auntie Marj's pool with giant gin and tonics and whipping cream in at least two out of the dishes served at dinner in the gazebo. So I smell hard and go to my happy place. The pool with my family and all the babies, drinking and reading shady magazines and lounging like royalty. All this from a package of dill. Awesome.
Rags came to visit me at the bakery while I was in another type of happy place and we drank tea beside the window and I just felt really relieved to have her in my life.
I am seriously blown away by how fast everything is melting. Relief across the board. The window in my bedroom will now stay open for the season. Awesome.
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