After a blast lunch (white fish cheeks, polenta 'shmash hair, pea chin, raspberry lips), I tossed the boychild into his sleeper, fed him well and then closed the door only after singing Joni Mitchell's 'A Case of You' three times. What a guy. He was intrigued by the monster camera staring at us as we ate at the high counter. Touche pas, Poulet. You wish! While he slept I hurried through a staggering To Do list and fast folded some laundry. When the house was presentable, I sat down with this new beast and felt it out.
My camera know-how is slim. As luck has it, I shoot on a feeling with a fairly consistent turn out. Lucky. This thing, well, yikes. Luck is not going to cut it. I have a lot to learn. But within the last hour I figured out how to open the back, figure out the spooling, how to mount the viewfinder hood, focus. I am still lost on how to release the shutter as there is no shutter lock up (it is amazing what one takes for granted, yet another lesson). So, once I figure that out, I will be ready to load and then shoot! Party.
As I carried the giant box home from the post, Leo and I sang (well I sang, he shrieked against the blowing snow) the song my Grandma used to sing to me (miss you dearly) when I was small enough to ride upon her back:
Chickeree chick
Tra la, tra lee
Chicker ra roni
Anna Bananica
Bolica wolika
Can't you see?!
Chickeree chick
Is me!
Below is a photo of my new child, fresh off the boat! Welcome to Madgeland. Clearly, I am excited! One more photobooth shot for good measure. I have a small head to begin with, but this camera is plum HUMUNGEOUS. Lord only knows what will all be captured through this lens. Off to hold my other child who just woke from his afternoon slumber.

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