Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Land of Talk.

We are here. Jessica Alba and the Giant made it as well, unscathed, which is nothing short of a miracle. This feels so weird, being here, tucked away in our new entrance of our new home, poaching the internet from our next door neighbor, Starbucks. Thanks Starbucks. I had a little blast cry today while lying down on JJ's comfy bed that she left for Mitch and I (while we wait for our house stuff to march in on the weekend) and stopped short after feeling silly for feeling sorry for myself. What is to feel sorry about? We live in this gorgeous new apartment in Mile End, a pretty neighborhood filled with kids and plants and interesting people and little bakeries and cafes. There is French in the air and spots of English. Walking passed a young english speaking family this morning made me grateful in a way that I have never experienced before. I know already how much I will miss the ease of language I took for granted in Winnipegtown, but I am ready for the challenge of French. Mitch and I are eager to get into some language course to help in this area. I want to be polite and respectful.

Last night after dumping our bags and our bicycles in our new home, we took to our new streets and walked and walked. A bagel here, coffee here, new shoes there, listening, looking, tasting, smelling. The smells! We are in a big city now, you can tell by all the smells. We are alive and happy. I feel a tiny hollow notch in the center of myself, probably from the act of detachment. We had to break ourselves off and out of the life we had there. It is strange being a minority, but also good. The idea of being jobless is daunting as hell, but I keep having to remind myself of all the reasons I chose to move. I chose this. We chose this and now we are here, together. My Mitch, my kind and gentle Mitch.

I don't really know how to put into words what I am feeling now, this birth of a new part of life: excitement, whole sadness, missing, fear, wonder, appreciation, humility, respect, curiosity, softness and slowness. For the first time in weeks I feel calm and at ease. Tonight I am slated to meet up with a bunch of friends from the spring Plant. I guess I am a Montreal person now, which is a very confusing thing. Especially considering there is nothing here except a black suitcase of my clothes and my computer. Weird. This is all very strange. Strange and exciting.

Okay mama, this entry was for you. Sorry if it was lack luster and depressing, I am in transition. Now I am off to find Mitch and then go to my new school to pick up the portfolio that started this entire process all those months ago. We are here now. Crazy. I love you all, and miss you incredibly.

Love, Megan

Hello from Montreal. I took this photo this morning after breakfast on my first balcony of life! Oh, small novelties; how sweet you are.


  1. oh man oh man oh man. didn't weep for you till now. happy new beginning, darling niece. i will miss you. and am so grateful for the goodness (gift) of mitch. be careful. be happy. be all you wanna be. i love you.
    Tante Marj
